HC Deb 01 April 1830 vol 23 c1125

The Tanjore Commissioners' Bill was read a third time and passed. A message from the Lords announced that their lordships had assented to Catterick Bridge, and Durham Road Bill, and several other Private Bills without Amendment:— On the Motion of the SOLICITOR GENERAL, a Bill for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors was read a first time; ordered to be printed, and read a second time on the 27th of April:—Mr. GEOROE MOORE obtained leave to bring in a Bill to extend to Ireland the provisions of 58 Geo. III., for the due Administration of assets:—Mr. DAWSON brought in a Bill for tranferring the Four per Cent Annuities, which was read a first and second time. The Drainage of Bogs (Ireland) Bill read a second time. A Bill to render more effectual the provisions of divers Acts, for securing to certain Artificers, Workmen, and Labourers, the due payment of their Wages in Money, was brought in and read a first time Sir C. WETHERELL gave notice, that if it were proposed to add a Judge to the Court of Chancery, he would move for an inquiry and an examination of witnesses, with a view to ascertain if a necessity did exist for such an appointment.

Returns Presented. By Mr. Secretary PEEL, the Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Austria:—By Mr. G. DAWSON, the correspondence between the Commissioners of Charities, and the Trustees of Morden College.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. HOME DRUMMOND, of the quantity of Home-made Spirits that paid Duty in England in each of the four years preceding January 5th, 1826, and in each of the four years subsequent to that date:—Of the quantities of Rum which paid Duty during each of the years in the same two periods:—Of the reserved Hereditary Revenues of the Civil Establishment of Scotland in each year, from 10th October, 1821, to 10th October, 1829, with the payments made there out, distinguishing Pensions:—A Copy of a Report made by the Committee of the Trustees for the encouragement of Manufactures of Scotland, to the Trustees during the last six months, containing a Statement of the establishment and Funds of the Board.

Petitions Presented. By Mr. MARSHALL, from the Tallow Chandlers of Leeds, against the Excise Duties on Tallow, from the Inhabitants of Stanningley and Mirfield, against the Renewal of the East India Charter—Referred to the Committee.