HC Deb 25 March 1828 vol 18 cc1334-5

On the motion of Alderman Waithman, William Leadbeater was called in, received the following reprimand from the Speaker, and was discharged:

"William Leadbeater, you are now brought to the Bar of this House in order to your being reprimanded, and then discharged. The offence for which you were committed to his Majesty's Gaol of Newgate was for attempting by gross falsehood to obstruct, and, if possible, to defeat, an examination in which this House was engaged; an attempt as unavailing and as scandalous in itself as it was insulting to this House, and subversive of its privileges.

"In your Petition you express a hope that the time during which you have been imprisoned in Newgate may be considered as an expiation of your offence. I know not upon what grounds you entertain such hope. This House can, and in pity to your wife and children will, release you from further imprisonment, but the expiation of your offence must depend on your future conduct. By honesty, industry, and integrity, you can alone hope to obliterate that stain from your character which you have yourself inflicted on it, and to become a support instead of a disgrace and burthen to your family. I am now to acquaint you, that you are discharged from further confinement."