HC Deb 14 March 1828 vol 18 c1137
Lord J. Russell

having moved the order of the day for the second reading of this bill,

Sir J. Shelley

opposed the bill, because he thought if this concession were granted, it would pave the way for the admission of the Catholic claims. His right hon. friend near him had come to the same conclusion upon somewhat different grounds. He (sir John) would not make a stepping-stone for Catholic emancipation; and if this bill were passed, the Catholics would be sure to complain that they were the only persons excluded on account of conscience. He had always opposed their applications because he thought them dangerous; and so did his constituents.

Mr. Huskisson

wished to set himself right with the House. What he had said was, that he believed there were a great number of the Dissenters opposed to the Catholic claims, and that they would continue so if the present bill was conceded to them. So far from thinking that this bill would be a stepping-stone to the Catholic question, he thought, on the contrary, that it would damnify it, and on that ground his opposition had been formed.

The bill was read a second time.