HC Deb 09 May 1826 vol 15 c1051
Mr. R. Martin

rose to move for leave to bring in a bill "to authorize sheriffs' and other officers to abstain from arresting, or to discharge persons arrested by them, who may be in such a state of health that they cannot be removed to gaol without danger to their lives." The hon. member, amidst loud and frequent cries of "question," went on for a short time to state the grounds on which his motion rested, but so frequent were the interruptions, that not more than one or two connected sentences reached the gallery. We understood the hon. member to say, that nothing could be more inconsistent with justice and humanity than to drag an unfortunate debtor to prison in a state of health in which the removal risked his life.—No discussion took place on the hon. member's motion, which was immediately negatived without a division.