HC Deb 10 March 1826 vol 14 cc1283-4
Sir R. Wilson,

seeing the right hon. Secretary for Foreign Affairs in his place, would take the opportunity of asking a question which concerned the honour, the interest, and, ultimately, the security of the country. Last year, the right hon. gentleman, in answer to a question of a similar nature, had stated, that the French troops would evacuate Spain before those of Austria quitted Naples. Another year had passed, and there did not seem to be any likelihood of the Spanish government being left to itself. He trusted that the right hon. gentleman would tell them whether any thing had taken place that would lead to the evacuation of Cadiz, and the other fortresses held by the French troops.

Mr. Secretary Canning

felt ready to give the hon. member for Southwark every satisfaction in his power; but he must be aware that it was unlikely for him to have any particular information as to time. He had not, however, the least hesitation in saying, that the hon. member himself could not be more anxious to see the French army out of Spain than was the French government to withdraw it. It had unfortunately happened that several partial attacks had been made upon the established order of things in Spain, which had been equally mischievous, useless, and unprofitable. This had obliged the French troops to be kept there longer than was originally intended; but he was completely convinced, that the French government were as anxious to withdraw their troops from Spain as the hon. member was that they should be so withdrawn.