HC Deb 09 March 1826 vol 14 cc1246-7

Mr. S. Rice moved for leave to bring in a bill for the more effectual execution of the laws in cities and towns corporate, and other local jurisdictions in Ireland.

Mr. Goulburn

had no immediate objection to the motion, but reserved his right on the introduction and discussion of the bill to suggest any curtailments, or to offer any clauses which he might deem necessary to prevent the infringement upon chartered rights and privileges of corporations.

Mr. Hutchinson

hoped that the bill would be printed before it was discussed and that it would be sent over to Ireland, and ample time allowed for the statement of objections to it on the part of bodies interested.

Mr. R. Martin

said, that he looked on this bill as a great improvement in the laws of Ireland. It would go to cure, the abuses that were obvious to all; such as the registration of freeholds. He knew some counties and towns, in which freeholds were kept unregistered for years.

Mr. Frankland Lewis

thought the measure ought not to be confined to Ireland. As a general principle of legislation, it was capable of being applied to many parts of this country with advantage. At the same time it was a question not free from difficulty, and he hoped no steps, would be taken but upon mature consideration and certain information. The greatest difficulty would be to provide a local magistracy sufficiently responsible for these trusts; care at the same time being taken to guard against infringements of local jurisdictions. He dwelt himself in a part of Wales where they suffered from that unavoidable defect. It would be very desirable if a power were given to the Crown to appoint magistrates to act in such cases; provided it were done with a nice regard to chartered and corporation rights.

Mr. Warre

concurred in the sentiments of the lion, gentleman, and advised that some steps should be taken for reforming local jurisdictions in England as well as in Ireland.

Leave was given to bring in the bill.