HC Deb 15 February 1826 vol 14 c416
Mr. Hobhouse

rose for the purpose of putting a question to the attorney-general. It was in the recollection of the House, that towards the close of the last session, the learned gentleman introduced a bill, which was subsequently passed, for the purpose of repealing the act commonly called the "Bubble Act." At that time it was intimated, that a measure would be introduced by a learned lord in the other House, which would strike at the root of fraudulent transactions in the formation of companies. The question which he wished to ask was, whether it was in the contemplation of his majesty's ministers, or the law officers of the Crown, to introduce any such measure in the present session? There was a very uneasy sensation on the subject of the fraudulent transactions of the last year, and fears were entertained that similar attempts might again be made. He, therefore, was anxious to know whether any measure would be introduced, by which, if the public did not receive indemnity for the past, they might at least have security for the future.

The Attorney-General

said, he was not aware that any such measure was in contemplation, nor did he think it was at alt necessary. As the law now stood, it was sufficient to reach any fraudulent attempts, by any number of persons forming themselves into illegal companies. If the fact of any fraudulent attempts could be proved against any individuals, the law as it stood, was sufficient to reach and punish them, without the aid of any new enactment.