HC Deb 01 December 1826 vol 16 cc207-8
Mr. Alderman Waithman

said, that in consequence of what had passed in the House last evening, he was induced to give notice, that on Tuesday next, he would submit a motion, for an inquiry into the formation and proceedings of the Arigna Mining Company. He was induced to bring forward the motion thus early, from the desire for a speedy inquiry expressed by an hon. member. At the same time he begged to say, that he did not intend to confine his motion to the conduct of that company; but should extend it to other Joint-stock companies with which that hon. gentleman and other members of that House were connected.

Mr. Brogden

said, he felt personally obliged at the announcement of an early day for bringing forward a motion, in which his character was so deeply concerned. He felt the same confidence that he had before expressed, as to his coming out of the inquiry with an unsullied reputation. He had seen in a report of the proceedings of the House of last evening, in which it was stated, that it was intimated to the worthy alderman by him, that he wished the subject should not be brought forward, until after the holidays. He now called upon the worthy alderman to do him the justice to say, that he had never concurred in such an understanding.

Mr. Alderman Waithman

said, that in stating that there had been a wish expressed, that the subject should not be brought forward until after the holidays, he certainly did not allude to the hon. member but to a right hon. gentleman over the way. It was by no means with a view to his own convenience, that he had suggested the postponement. It was to meet the wishes of others: but, perceiving that a disposition to accommodate was sometimes productive of greater inconvenience than the adherence to an original plan, he was determined to exercise his own discretion, and bring the subject before the House on Tuesday.