HC Deb 27 May 1825 vol 13 c903
Mr. Littleton

moved, that the order of the day for the further consideration of the report on this bill be discharged. The rejection of the Catholic Relief bill, in the other House, rendered such a step, on his part, necessary. Were the Elective Franchise, bill to pass without the other, it would produce great dissatisfaction.

Colonel Davies

expressed a, hope, that the bill would be brought forward at some future period, as a substantive measure.

Sir J. Newport

hoped, that the suggestion of the last speaker would not be attended to. It would be most disgusting to the people of Ireland to pass such a bill unaccompanied by any measure of relief.

Colonel Palmer rose ,

and proceeded to comment upon the conduct of ministers, and the speeches made by Mr. Canning.

The Speaker

interrupted the hon. member, to inform him, that it was irregular to found his observations upon what had been said by a member in a former debate.

Colonel Palmer

said, that having given notice of his intention on a former night, he had conceived that he was strictly in order.

Mr. Hutchinson

expressed his regret for the cause which had induced the hon. member to withdraw his bill; although he rejoiced that the measure was got rid of in any way, conceiving it to be most mischievous and unconstitutional.

The order was then discharged.