HC Deb 19 May 1825 vol 13 c792
Mr. Kennedy

moved the second reading of this bill.

Mr. Abercromby

requested his hon. friend to postpone this bill to the next session, as from the high interest which it excited, particularly in Ireland, it was not likely to give satisfaction if it appeared to be a measure which had not undergone the most mature consideration. In the interval before next session, gentlemen would have more opportunities of considering the evidence which had been taken before the committee.

Mr. Hutchinson

concurred in recommending the postponement, on account of the local interests in Ireland involved in the measure.

Mr. Kennedy

said, he could not withstand the appeal made to him, although he had hoped to be able to carry the bill through this session. It had been already two years before the House.

Mr. C. Grant

eulogized the exertions of the hon. member upon a subject which certainly required some legislation; but expressed his doubts whether he could could carry the bill throngs during the present session.

Mr. Kennedy

said, he was desirous that the blanks should be filled up in the committee, to make the measure as intelligible as possible.

The bill was then committed, pro forma. The report was received, and ordered to be taken into further consideration on that day three months.