§ Mr. H. Twissmoved the committal of this bill.
Mr. Hobhousesaid, that the bill had been before the House almost as many sessions as he had been a member of it; and yet he had hardly heard any reason in its support. The learned mover seemed to think that there was a want of lawyers at elections; now, he thought the evil was of an opposite character—from what he had seen, there were too many lawyers at elections. But without adverting to the provisions of the bill, he had to express the hope that at so advanced a period of the session, the bill might be withdrawn.
§ Mr. H. Twisssaid, that the fault was not his that the bill had not been brought on earlier; nor was the situation of his bill peculiar; others, not originating with the government, being similarly circumstanced; so that it would seem, as he had brought the bill before the House four 1270 sessions, that delays were not confined to the court of Chancery. After the wish that had been expressed, he would withdraw the bill; but would introduce it next session.