HC Deb 26 April 1825 vol 13 cc171-2
Mr. Huskisson

presented a petition from the merchants of Liverpool, praying for an alteration in the Corn Laws.

Mr. Baring

said, he would take that opportunity of asking the right hon. gentleman in what shape, and at what period, he meant to bring forward the propositions of which he had given notice respecting bonded corn?

Mr. Huskisson

replied, that he would take the first open day for the purpose, and would move that the subject be referred to the consideration of a committee. It was certainly expedient that the bonded corn in question should be introduced into consumption between the present period and the next harvest.

Mr. Bright

expressed the regret which he felt at the determination of ministers not to propose any general measure with respect to the Corn laws, in the course of the present session. He implored the House to interfere between ministers and the country on the subject; and to endeavour to set so important a question at rest. Who that had observed any thing of the disposition of the lower classes of the people in this country, was not aware that there was no topic calculated to operate upon them so mischievously, or to be so productive of agitation, as any question connected with a scarcity of corn? If any unpleasant consequences should result from the determination of ministers not to bring the subject under consideration before the next session, they would incur the heaviest responsibility. He must say, that, with respect to the commercial regulations which they had introduced, however desirable they might be in themselves, ministers seemed to him to have begun at the wrong end; and had regulated a variety of other matters while they abstained from any regulation respecting that article, on the proper regulation of which all our trade and manufactures depended. He trusted, however, that the numerous petitions which had and would be presented, would compel ministers to pay immediate attention to this important subject. He was quite sure that the eye of the country was fixed upon them; and he trusted, that the people would not permit the question to stand over to the next session.