§ A message from the Lords announced that their lordships had passed an act dispensing with the taking of certain oaths by Mr. Erskine, previously to the passing of an act for the restoration of the title of 1091 which his ancestors had been deprived; and they prayed the concurrence of the Commons.
§ Mr. Secretary Peel moved, that the bill be then taken into consideration, and trusted that the House would not object to its being passed through all its stages that evening. By an act of James 1st, it had been enacted, that no person whose blood had been attainted could be restored to the rank which his ancestor had held, until he had taken certain oaths. Now, it would require the presence of Mr. Erskine in London to take those oaths; but, in consequence of his age and infirm state of health, that could not be done with convenience. The present bill, therefore, was to dispense with the taking of the oaths at present.
§ MR. Broughamfully concurred in the principle of the measure for restoring the forfeited tides which gave rise to the present bill; but there were certain limitations in those bills which would be the subject of remark when they came before the House. He concurred entirely in the propriety of not requiring the attendance at present of the very estimable individual whose family title was about to be restored.
§ The bill went through all its stages, and was passed.