§ Mr. T. P. Courtenaymoved for an account, 1. "Of the number of ships, with the amount of their tonnage, which have entered inwards, and cleared outwards, at the several ports of Great Britain, from and to the East Indies, for three years, ending the 5th January, 1823:—2. Of all goods exported from Great Britain to the East Indies and China, for three years, ending the 5th January, 1823, distinguishing each year; specifying the value of the principal articles, and also distinguishing India from China, so far as the same can be ascertained:—3. Of the value of all articles, being of the growth or manufacture of the United Kingdom, exported by the East India Company, from the year 1820–21, inclusive, to the latest period to which the same can be made up; distinguishing such as were exported as merchandize for sale, from those that were exported as stores; and distinguishing each year:—4. Of all goods, the produce of the East Indies and China, imported into, and exported from, Great Britain, for three years, ending the 5th January, 1823, distinguishing each year; specifying the quantities of the principal articles, and the aggregate value thereof; and also distinguishing the produce of India from China, so far as the same can be ascertained:—5. Of the amount of duties (of customs) received upon goods imported from the East Indies, for three years, ending the 5th January, 1823; distinguishing each year, and the principal articles:—6. Of all goods, of the produce of the East Indies and China, imported into Great Britain during each of the last three years; specifying the quantity and value of the principal articles imported, and stating the imports by the East India Company, distinct and separate from the free trade:—7. Of all goods exported from Great Britain to the East Indies and China, during each of the last three years; specifying the quantity and declared value of the principal articles exported, and stating the exports by the East India Company, distinct and separate from the free trade."—Ordered.