HC Deb 23 June 1823 vol 9 c1139

The House having resolved itself into a committee of Ways and Means,

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

observed, that he had stated in an early part of the session, that it was not his intention, after its termination, to propose any thing in the nature of another lottery. He had expressly intimated, however, that he should have to bring forward a lottery proposition on the present occasion; and, remembering what was the apparent feeling of the House when he had last mentioned the subject, he trusted no objection would be taken to the resolution he had now to submit: more particularly as it was but just, that the parties principally interested in this department of the public revenue should not be taken, as it were, by surprise. He would therefore move, "That towards raising the supply granted to his majesty, the commissioners of his majesty's Treasury be authorised to contract with any person or persons for the sale of any number of tickets, to be drawn in one or more lottery or lotteries, not exceeding 60,000, at such price, and under such rules and regulations, as the said commissioners shall think proper."

Mr. Leycester

opposed the resolution. He observed, that the chancellor of the Exchequer had endeavoured to recommend his proposition, by stating that it was the last session in which he should have to bring it forward. But why was the country to be infected with this moral pestilence for another year, seeing the misery and vice which it disseminated in every part of the kingdom.

The resolution was agreed to.