HC Deb 10 May 1821 vol 5 cc654-5

On the order of the day for the third reading of this bill,

Mr. M. A. Taylor

said, that if the House would but consider the bill worthy of their consideration, they would afterwards find that it was calculated to do much good, without producing any mischief. He hoped that in the next session, he should be able to submit to a committee a plan for the reduction of smoke in every town in England. Mr. Parks, a gentleman of distinguished talents, had proposed an apparatus, which would be found of the utmost utility. He was sorry he did not see in his place the hon. member for Liverpool, that he might state to him a circumstance which had recently occurred in that town. An indictment was actually brought, in order to abate a nuisance occasioned by great bodies of smoke which were suffered to escape in a particular neighbourhood; the case was referred to the consideration of an eminent barrister, and that gentleman bad-recommended to the complaining-parties the use of Mr. Parks's apparatus. The apparatus was accordingly tried, and, after that trial, the parties who had so loudly complained, had come forward and stated, that they were satisfied the nuisance had been abated.

The bill was read a third time, and passed.