HC Deb 17 October 1820 vol 3 c749
The Speaker

said, he had to inform the House that John Hatsell, esq. late clerk of that House, died on Sunday morning and that his majesty would speedily appoint a clerk.

Lord Castlereagh

said, that it was a duty which the House owed to the memory of the individual, whose decease had just been communicated from the chair, to record upon their Journals the high sense which they entertained of his meritorious services.

Mr. Tierney

entirely concurred with the noble lord, that the House was bound to mark its respect to an individual who had so long and so faithfully discharged the duties of the situation which he filled in that House.

The Speaker

said, he would venture to suggest the propriety of a motion, which it was competent for any hon. gentleman to make if he should think fit. It was in the power of any member to move, that the vote of the year 1797, passed in acknowledgment of Mr. Hatsell's services, should be now read, and the repetition of that vote would then form a part of the proceedings of this day.

Lord Castlereagh moved accordingly, and the following entry in the Journal of the 11th of July 1797 was read:

"Resolved, nem. con. That Mr. Speaker be requested to acquaint Mr. Hatsell, that the House entertains a just and high sense of the distinguished and exemplary manner in which he has uniformly discharged the duties of his situation during his long attendance in the service of the House."