The Attorney Generalpresented a petition from John Eyles, Warden of the Fleet, stating, that during the last parliament, in consequence of an order issued by the then Speaker of the House of Commons, he had liberated from confinement in the Fleet prison Robert Christie Burton, esq., claiming privilege of parliament as member for the borough of Beverley. He, the warden, had since 521 had an action brought against him by Mr. Burton's creditors, in consequence of the said R. C. Burton having, at the conclusion of the last parliament, gone to live abroad, and the plaintiffs considered themselves endamaged by the act of the petitioner in liberating Mr. Burton, who was indebted to them several thousand pounds, and now sought to recover the amount of their supposed losses by an action for an escape.—Tbepetition was referred to a committee of privileges, to report thereon to the House.