HC Deb 24 June 1820 vol 1 c1319
Mr. Brougham

said, he stood in the same situation as his hon. friend who had just sat down. His motion respecting the Education of the Poor stood also for Tuesday. He could not, however, when he considered the great importance of the subject, and that, if the business of the country was allowed to yield to circumstances which might arise like those his hon. friend had alluded to, the public must eventually be sufferers to a deplorable extent, bring himself to postpone his motion beyond the appointed day. He had always foreseen that the momentous proceedings which were about to take place, would be attended with consequences such as the hon. member for Durham and himself referred to. He saw no alternative, however, but that of persisting in the course he now stated, and suggesting to the House the propriety, during the progress of the interesting discussions in which it was about to be engaged, of setting apart particular days for attending to the regular business of the country.