HC Deb 07 June 1820 vol 1 c904

Mr. Stuart Wortley presented a petition from Messrs. Bolton, Gleadon, Thompson, and Frost, of Hull; and also of A. Rosser, of London, who had been ordered to attend at the bar of the House for a breach of privilege, in bringing an action of escape against the warden of the Fleet for discharging R. C. Burton, esq. from his custody, in consequence of an order of that House. The petition stated, that the two first petitioners were assignees, and the two latter petitioners, one the attorney and the other the agent to the attorney of the assignees of the estate of a bankrupt to whom R. C. Burton, esq. was indebted—that they had brought the action by advice of counsel—that they had no intention of violating the privileges of the House—and that they had, as soon as they were aware that they violated them, discontinued the action, and paid the costs of such discontinuance to the warden of the Fleet. They therefore prayed that, in consequence of their contrition, no further proceedings might be instituted by the House against them. On the motion of Mr. Wynn, it was resolved, "That, in consideration of the petitioners having severally acknowledged their offence, and expressed their contrition for the same, this House is content to proceed no further in the matter of the said breach of privilege."