HC Deb 28 April 1820 vol 1 cc45-7

The following account was laid on the table of the House by his Majesty's command.

An account of the total produce of all Funds at the disposal of the Crown, and usually deemed not to be under the immediate control of Parliament, since the accession of his late majesty; distinguishing the monies arising from droits of the admiralty, and droits of the Crown; 4£ per cent West-India duties; Scotch revenue; and from all other sources not hereinbefore specified; so far as the same can be ascertained.

An account of the droits of £ s. d.
the Admiralty and droits of the Crown, from 1760 to 1820 9,562,614 4
The application of this sum in rewards to captors, and payments to claimants, and in aid of the public service, and of the civil list, and for other purposes, is to be found in the accounts which have from time to time been laid before Parliament.
An account of the four and half per cent West-India
duties, from 1760, to 1820. 2,116,484 0 0
This revenue is charged with the salaries of the governors and various, other public officers connected with the West Indies, and also with the payment of pensions granted by the Crown; as appears in the accounts laid from time to time before Parliament.
* An account of the surplus of Gibraltar, revenues, remitted to England from 1760 to 1820, after discharging garrison expenses 124,256 10 7
* An account of the surplus of Scotch Civil List, from 1760 to 1820, now appropriated as it may arise, under the act 50 Geo. 3rd, c. 3. in aid of the Civil List in England 207,700 0 0
* An account of the Escheats to his majesty in cases of illegitimacy or otherwise, from 1760 to 214,647 15 0
* An account of the Escheats to his majesty, being the property of Alien enemies, from 1760 108,777 17 8
* An account of the funds arising by sale of lands in the French West India islands, ceded at the peace 106,300 0 0
* An account of the revenues arising from the islands of Minorca, Martinique, St. Croix, and St. Thomas, and from the settlement of Surinam, while the same were in the possession of his majesty 150,816 0 7
* An account of the casual revenues arising from quit rents, &c. in the British colonies, and from all other sources not before enumerated, from 1760 to1820 104,865 3
£12,705,461 11 7

*The whole of these sums have been appropriated at various times in discharge of the debts of the civil list, and to other public purposes, as will appear by the reports and accounts laid before parliament; with the exception of 385,000l., which sum was applied between his majesty's accession and the year 1820, in numerous payments, for the purposes of the privy purse, as directed by his majesty.


Whitehall, Treasury Chambers,

April, 28, 1820.