HC Deb 30 November 1819 vol 41 cc513-4

The Resolution of the 7th of July last [see vol. 40, p. 1537] being read,

Mr. D. W. Harvey

said, the House had, in the last session, agreed to two resolutions relative to the borough of Camel ford. One of these was, that the House would, shortly after its meeting, take into consideration the two reports which had been drawn up relative to the last election for Camel ford; the other was, that the warrant of the Speaker should not be issued, for a new writ, for members to serve for that borough, until ten days after parliament had met. He wished that the period for issuing the warrant should be farther postponed till the 6th of January next; and also, that the House should enter into a committee to consider of these reports. He should therefore move, "That Mr. Speaker do not issue his warrant to make out a new writ for the electing of two burgesses to serve in this present parliament for the borough of Camelford, in the room of John Stewart, esq., and Lewis Allsop, esq., whose election has been determined to be void, before 6th January next.'' The resolution was agreed to; after which Mr. Harvey gave notice, that he would on Wednesday se'nnight move, "That the House do resolve itself into a committee of the whole House, to take into consideration the two reports of the committee on the Camelford election."