HC Deb 14 May 1819 vol 40 cc384-6

The House having gone into a committee on this bill Thomas Treloar was called in, and examin- ed by sir C. Burrell. The witness said, he was acquainted with election transactions in Penryn. There had been a strong party in favour of sir Masseh Lopez. Meetings had been held in his favour.—Does the witness recollect attending on sir M. Lopez, with a statement of the numbers that would vote for him?—No. In what terms did the witness convey to sir M. Lopez the number that was ready to vote for him?—He could not state the terms in which he had spoken of support for one of the candidates. He had never said that a certain portion of the electors would vote for sir M. Lopez, for a pecuniary consideration. He had, however, said, that sir M. Lopez would carry his seat if he came down.—The witness was asked if he never said that money would be given, and he replied that he could not deny but that money was mentioned for a seat. Being asked, if he had stated the sum requisite, he replied that he had, and that he had mentioned 2,000l, which was to be divided among 200 persons. He said that this sum was sufficient to influence 100 persons. He always considered a present of 24 guineas to each voter to be requisite.

John Edwards

was the next witness. He described himself as an attorney at Truro, much in the habit of attending the elections for Cornwall. He was pretty generally consulted as to the right of voting according to the constitution of the several boroughs in that country. Among other places he had been at Penryn at the last election, where he had heard that sir M. Lopez was invited to become a candidate. The Penryn breakfast he understood to mean a pledge or promise of 24 guineas to any voter who would support two candidates. Had heard of some dissatisfaction with respect to Mr. Swann for not giving any public breakfast; but he did not believe that any candidate could be returned for Penryn by means of money [a laugh.]. If such a man as Mr. Sewell, however, would introduce a candidate with money to the electors that introduction would, no doubt, have great weight. Witness believed, but he could not state with certainty, that there were from 8 to 900 freeholders in the two adjacent hundreds.

Edward Budd

was next examined. He was editor of the newspaper published in Cornwall, called "The West Briton." After the election of Penryn, Mr. Anderdon had an interview wish him, and a conversation took place, which the witness throwing himself on the candour of the House, begged to say Mr. Anderdon never expected would be revealed. He was, however, in the hands of the House, and should obey their orders. The witness then read an article from the newspaper, highly complimentary of the conduct of Mr. Anderdon, and his popularity at Penryn. This article was given to him for insertion by Mr. Anderdon. In the course of conversation, Mr. Anderdon talked of the bribery practised at Penryn by the returned members. Witness remarked, that any man who knew Penryn, knew that nothing could be effected without money. Mr. Anderdon admitted the fact, and said, that all his engagements should be fulfilled when he could do so with safety.

The chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again on Monday.