HC Deb 09 March 1819 vol 39 cc936-7

Sir C. Burrell moved the order of the day, for resuming the adjourned debate on the motion "That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire further into the existence of certain corrupt and illegal practices which appear to have prevailed in the Borough of Penryn, previous to and during the late election, and to report their opinion, together with their observations thereupon, to the House." The hon. baronet observed, that the minutes of the committee having been entered as read, the House was in possession of the grand features of the case, and it was his intention, if he succeeded in carrying two prefatory resolutions, to move for leave to bring in a bill for the better regulation of this borough. His resolutions would be, "1. That it appears to this House, that there was the most notorious bribery and corruption in the last election of members to serve in parliament for the borough of Penryn; and further, that such practices are not new nor casual in the said borough, having been before brought under the notice of the House, in the year 1807, by a special report from the committee which tried the merits of the petition of John Trevannion and others. 2. That it is the opinion of this House, that the said bribery and corruption require the most serious consideration of parliament."

The motion for a select committee was withdrawn; after which the two resolutions were agreed to, and sir Charles obtained leave to bring in a bill "for the preventing of Bribery and Corruption in the Election of Members to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Penryn." The Minutes of the Proceedings of the Penryn Election Committee in 1807 was, on the motion of Mr. Wynn, ordered to be reprinted.

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