HC Deb 02 March 1819 vol 39 c776

On the Motion of sir Robert Wilson, Mr. Thomas Grady was brought to the bar, where he received a reprimand from Mr. Speaker, and was ordered to be discharged out of custody, paying his fees. The reprimand was as followeth; viz.

"Thomas Grady; you have been guilty of writing and sending a letter, the contents of which are a high breach of the privileges of this House; for this offence you were committed to his majesty's gaol of Newgate. Your petition praying for release from further confinement, has been received by this House, and the terms in which it is conveyed, the deep regret you express for having offended this House and the solemn assurance you give that it was farthest from your intention to trespass upon its privileges,—relieve me from the duty (which, considering the rank and station you have held in life, would have indeed been a most painful duty) of enlarging upon the nature and character of this offence. I will only add, that this House, at all times determined to vindicate its own honour and dignity, and to uphold and maintain its privileges, as the best security for the rights and liberties of the subject, is at all times anxious to measure the severity of its punishment by the necessity which calls for it. This necessity, in your instance, has been satisfied; and I am commanded, therefore, to acquaint you, that you are discharged, upon payment of your fees."