HC Deb 06 July 1819 vol 40 cc1536-7

A message from the Lords announced, that their lordships had passed a bill reversing the attainder on the late lord E. Fitzgerald.

Lord Castlereagh

, in rising to propose that the House should agree to this measure without delay, expressed the gratification which he knew the illustrious individual in the exercise of regal authority in this country experienced at exercising the present gracious prerogative of sovereignty. It was highly gratifying to those who were connected with that part of the empire to which the measure especially referred, to contemplate that tranquil state which rendered the present proposition so advisable. He repeated, that it was highly gratifying to the illustrious representative of the sovereign to consult, by this act, the feelings of one of the most illustrious families of which the empire could boast; and to him (lord C) who, in his official character in Ireland, had been the painful witness of the circumstances out of which the proceeding that the proposed bill went to overturn arose, it was extremely gratifying to be the humble instrument of proposing to the House a measure, the adoption of which would, he trusted, assist in the consummation of that for which every good and honest mind must wishߞthe oblivion of all the circumstances in which the necessity for it originated.

Lord W. Fitzgerald

could not refrain from expressing his sense of this gracious act on the part of his royal highness. It was a truly gracious and noble act, con- forcing the highest obligation on those who were connected with the objects of it. He could not sit down without acknowledging the kind and liberal manner in which ministers had carried into effect the commands of their royal master.

Sir F. Burdett

congratulated the House and the country on the introduction of the present bill, which he characterized as an act, which although one of justice, yet evinced a magnanimous feeling on the part of the Prince Regent, that entitled him to the warmest attachment and gratitude [Hear, hear!].

Mr. V. Fitzgerald

also expressed his unequivocal approbation of the proposed measure.

The bill was read a first and second time.