HC Deb 25 January 1819 vol 39 cc104-5
The Chancellor of the Exchequer

said, he had given notice that on an early day he should move for leave to bring in a bill to continue for a short period the restriction on cash payments. He had now, in consequence of a communication on Friday morning last, from the committee of directors of the Bank of England, been induced to take a different course, as he thought it necessary that the motion should be preceded by a committee of inquiry. This motion he should bring forward after the motion of the right hon. gentleman opposite. The committee he should propose would be one of secrecy, which would select from the information which would be submitted to it, such as could without detriment be laid before the House.

Mr. Tierney

congratulated the House that any kind of inquiry had been agreed to by the chancellor of the exchequer, as he should now have the pleasure of seeing those who would have most sturdily voted against all inquiry if he had proposed it, as cheerfully voting for it. He should persevere, however, in his motion, as he suspected some trick was in contemplation, that the proposal was extorted from the fears of a weak administration, and that the inquiry, managed as it was to be, by a secret committee, would be of no service to the country.