Lord Castlereaghpresented the following Message from the Prince Regent:
GEORGE P. E.The Prince Regent, acting in the name and on the behalf of his majesty, acquaints the House of Commons, that the sum of 58,000l. per annum, which, in the distribution of his majesty's civil list revenue, was appropriated to the maintenance of the establishment, and to the support of the honor and dignity of the queen, having, by the lamented demise of her majesty, become disposeable by his Royal Highness for the general purposes of the civil list, the Prince Regent places this sum at the disposal of parliament: he thinks it at the same time incumbent upon him to state, that there exist certain claims upon a part of this saving, which he recommends to the justice and liberality of the House of Commons: these claims are founded on the faithful services of the persons who formed the separate establishment of her late majesty, and are limited to those services.The Prince Regent is satisfied that he may confidently rely on the loyal attachment of the House of Commons to enable him, upon the reduction of that establishment, to grant to the several individuals belonging to it such allowances as it has been usual for the crown to bestow on former occasions, when the royal family has been visited with a similar affliction. G. P. R
Lord Castlereaghthen moved aft Address of thanks to his Royal Highness for his most gracious message, assuring his Royal Highness that the House would proceed to take the same into their immediate consideration. The motion was agreed to.