HC Deb 28 April 1819 vol 39 cc1481-2
Mr. Grenfell

rose, in pursuance of notice, to move that there be laid before the House, certain accounts to enable it to judge how far it might be expedient to apply the sinking fund of the year towards any loan to be raised for the public service. By a clause in the Sinking Fund act, it was provided that the commissioners for the redemption of the national debt might, in the case of a loan to government, use a portion of the capital in their hands for the purchase of certain portions of such loan, that was, that they might be subscribers. This clause was called Mr. Fox's. It was proposed by that gentleman, and readily adopted by Mr. Pitt. Now, the operation of that clause it might be of great importance for the House to consider. He had not heard from any official source that a loan was to be taken up. It was, however, very currently stated and believed in the course of the day. He had heard various accounts of it. Some stated that it was to be for 18,000,000l., others for 20,000,00l., and the highest amount he had heard was 25,000,000l. Now, supposing the loan to be taken up at 18,000,000l., and that this clause of the 26th of the king were to be carried into effect; what would be the consequence? The chancellor of the exchequer would go to the commissioners for the redemption of the national debt, for 15,000,000l. (taking that as the amount of the sinking fund in their hands), and would have only to go into the city for the loan of 3,000,000l. In case the loan were to be for 25,000,000l., the chancellor would have only to borrow 10,000,000l., taking the additional 15,000,000l. from the commissioners. He wished the House to consider, whether it might be advisable to borrow the whole of the sum intended to be taken up, when part of it might be obtained in the way he had mentioned. He then moved, that there be laid before the House an account, showing the amount of all sums of money invested in the hands of the commissioners for the redemption of the national debt, for the purchase of capital stock in any of the public funds, together with the amount of all such capital stock, with the interest thereon, since the 15th of June, 1816, to the present time."—This was put and carried.