HC Deb 08 April 1818 vol 37 c1219
Lord Archibald Hamilton

said, that he wished to call the attention of the House to a subject of great importance, affecting the privileges of the Commons House of Parliament. He would not at present enter into any details on the subject; he wished merely to state, that it related to a contest now going on in a county for the election of a member to serve in that House, in which contest a noble lord, a member of the other House of parliament, had thought proper to interfere. He intended to submit this matter to their consideration on Friday next; and he now desired merely to know whether, as this motion related to a breach of their privileges, it would not be entitled to precedency over other business. He should abstain from mentioning the names of the parties, or any of the particulars, unless the chair, or any honourable member, thought that he ought to be more explicit on the subject. If no farther expiation were required, he should now merely add, that he would bring forward this matter on Friday next.

Lord Castlercagh

observed, that several matters stood on the orders for Friday, but he apprehended that, if the noble lord wished to make his motion on that day, it would, as a matter of privilege, be entitled to precedency.