HC Deb 09 May 1817 vol 36 cc300-1
Mr. Manners Sutton

, adverting to the questions which had been put to him yesterday, by an hon. baronet, respecting the case of a private in the 13th light dragoons, availed himself of the earliest opportunity to state, that he had made some inquiries, but was not yet fully apprized of the facts of the case. It would, however, be satisfactory to the House, to know, that on Tuesday last the adjutant-general wrote a letter from the war office, in order to ascertain the truth of the statement which had been read in the paper to which the hon. baronet had referred; but no answer had been yet returned. It was impossible, therefore, to give any farther explanation at present; and he had merely troubled the House with these few words, to show, that from whatever quarter such representations might come, there existed every disposition on the part of his royal highness the commander-in-chief to institute immediate inquiries.