Mr. Wynn, alluding to the late conference with the Lords on the subject of the outrage committed on the Prince Regent, and the deviation that had then taken place from the usual forms of such a proceeding, informed the House that he had prepared a motion on that subject in conformity with their desire. The accommodation that had formerly been prepared for the managers on the part of the Commons had been withheld, and there had been a general deviation from the forms that had for 150 years been established, and inserted in the Journals of the House. No notice had been taken of the circumstance during the last conference, on account of the peculiar circumstance that had occasioned it, and the importance of which had absorbed every other feeling. He concluded by moving the following resolution: "That a message be sent to the Lords, to inform their lordships that this House, taking notice, that in the manner of holding the last conference, there was some departure from the ancient and accustomed forms, and that the usual accommodation was not provided for the managers for the Commons, do desire that these matters may not be drawn into precedent, and that their lordships will give directions that the place of meeting be restored to its former state."
§ The resolution was agreed to, and Mr. Wynn was ordered to carry the said message to the Lords.