§ Mr. Bankesrose, in pursuance of notice, to propose his motion for a call of the House. He had reason to hope, however, from his communication with the hon. baronet (sir H. Parnell), that he would postpone the important question, of which he had given notice, to Tuesday the 30th; and he should therefore move the call of the House for that day, by which time the members would be enabled to attend from all parts of the kingdom. He begged to observe, that at that time he should, as far as lay in his power, enforce the call.
§ Sir H. Parnell, lest he should appear to precipitate the question before a sufficient attendance could be obtained, consented to postpone his motion on the Catholic Claims to Tuesday the 30th; wishing to be understood, that as the session would then be pretty far advanced, he should absolutely bring forward the question on that day.
The House was accordingly ordered to be called over on Tuesday the 30th instant.
§ Adjourned to Thursday the 18th instant.