Lord Castlereaghpresented the following 1006 Message from his royal highness the Prince Regent:
GEORGE P. R.The Prince Regent, acting In the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, thinks it proper to acquaint this House, that a Marriage, to which the consent of his Royal Highness was duly given, has been solemnized between his brother the Duke of Cumberland and a daughter of the reigning Duke of Mecklenberg Strelitz, niece to her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and relict of the Prince Salms Braunfels.The many proofs which this House has afforded of their affectionate attachment to his Majesty's person and family, leave the Prince Regent no doubt of their readiness to enable his Royal Highness to make such provision for their Royal Highnesses on this occasion as the rank and station of their Royal Highnesses may appear to require.
§ Ordered to be referred to a committee of the whole House to-morrow. In the course of the evening,
Mr. Bennetbegged leave to inquire of the right hon. gentleman opposite, whether he knew it to be the intention of the noble lord to submit any proposition to the House in consequence of the Message which had been that day brought down respecting the marriage of the duke of Cumberland, and if a grant was to be proposed, he wished to know whether the right hon. gentleman could state the probable amount of that grant?
The Chancellor of the Exchequersaid, it was evident from the terms of the Message that a proposition for a grant to the duke of Cumberland would be made; but to what extent it might be, he was not at present prepared to say.
§ Mr. Tierneyasked the right hon. gentleman if he could inform the House when the marriage took place, and why the communication which had now been made was so long delayed? He thought it would have been but fair, to inform the House what was the nature of the provision intended to be proposed.
The Chancellor of the Exchequersaid that no unusual or unnecessary delay had occurred in making the communication to Parliament; and with respect to the intended amount of the grant, he believed such a question had never been asked, nor such a communication ever made, till 1007 the day on which the subject was regularly brought forward.