§ MR. Davies Giddyreported from the Select Committee, to whom the several Reports from the Committees on the Public Income and Expenditure of Ireland, and the several Accounts and Papers presented to the House in 1813, 1814, and 1815, relating to the Public Income and Expenditure of Ireland, were referred; and who were directed to inquire and report to the House what has been, during the last 24 years ended the 5th Jan. 1815, the increase and redemption of the Public Funded Debt of Ireland, and what was the state and amount thereof on the said day, what has been the progress of the permanent revenue of Ireland during the same period, and what may be the expected future annual produce of the taxes now existing in that country; what has been the total expenditure of Ireland in each year of the same period, distinguishing the amount expended on account of the joint expend- 885 diture of Great Britain and Ireland, or which may appear to be still due on that account, and what was the amount of the unfunded debt and demands outstanding and unprovided for in Ireland on the 5th January 1815; and likewise to take into their consideration the accounts relating to the trade and navigation of Ireland during the same period; and to report the same to the House, together with their observations upon the whole matters referred to them; and who were empowered to report their opinion thereupon to the House; that they had examined the various matters submittted to their consideration; and had directed him to make a report thereof to the House, with a resolution thereupon, and an Appendix; and the Report was read, and the Resolution of the Committee is as followeth:
Resolved, "That it is the opinion of this Committee, That it is now become expedient that Parliament should take into consideration so much of the seventh Article of the Act of Union as respects the competence of Parliament, under certain circumstances therein stated, to declare that all future expenditure of the United Kingdom, together with all interest and charges of the joint debt incurred previous to such declaration, shall be defrayed indiscriminately by equal taxation imposed on the same articles in each, subject to such particular exemptions or abatements in Ireland, and that part of Great Britain called Scotland, as circumstances may appear from time to time to demand."
The Report was ordered to lie on the table, and be printed.