HC Deb 27 April 1815 vol 30 cc0-891
Mr. Cooper

having moved, "That the entry in the votes of the House of yesterday, of the appointment of a select committee to examine the copies of the Grand Jury Presentments of Ireland, which were presented to the House upon the 5th day of this instant April, and to report the same, with their observations thereupon, to the House," might be read; and the same being read, the hon. member next moved, That the number of the said committee be twenty-one.

Sir John Newport

was well convinced that the present was a subject worthy of a serious and careful examination, but thought that it was brought forward in a mode not calculated to obtain the object in contemplation. The Government should not interfere with it, nor should the Committee consist exclusively of Irish members. He feared that prejudices might insensibly operate to counteract the advantages expected to result from the proposed measure. The sums raised were very considerable, and pressed heavily on a particular class of the community; it was a land-tax to a very considerable amount, and all disposed of by the several juries. On this account he thought that it should be anxiously considered, and that the object would be best obtained if there were a considerable number of English members in the Committee, who could feel no immediate or private interests in the inquiry.

Mr. Vesey Fitzgerald

agreed perfectly with the right hon. baronet, in his sentiments respecting the measure; but would not have troubled the House with the expression of that feeling, were he not desirous at the same time to state, that the measure should not be considered as one merely ministerial. He thought a number of English members should be introduced, for the purpose of amalgamating the different parts of the representation.

The Speaker

having read the list of the members proposed to form the committee,

Sir J. Newport

observed, that there were only four English members; whereas he thought no less than eight should be nominated, for the purpose of insuring an attendance. All those now mentioned were professional gentlemen, who could not be expected to attend punctually. He hoped, therefore, the list would be amended.

Mr. Cooper

had no objection to gratify the desire of the worthy baronet.

Mr. Wrottesley

said, he had heard the question agitated on a former evening; and as far as he could judge, the present committee would not effect the purpose designed.

Colonel Barry

thought county members should preponderate in the formation of the Committee.

They were then proceeding to nominate some other members, but it was at length agreed, "That so much of the said order be discharged as relates to the names of the members appointed to be of the said Committee."