HC Deb 20 May 1814 vol 27 c991

On the motion of Mr. Huskisson, the House resolved itself into a committee on the Act of the 9th and 10th of William 3, for preventing the exportation of wool.

Mr. Huskisson

stated, that by the Act in question, no farmer, within ten miles of the coast, in the counties of Kent and Sussex, was allowed to remove his wool from the place where it was deposited, without first stating to the proper officer, not only the number of fleeces he had sheared, but the entire weight; under pain of forfeiting three times the value of the Wool so removed. As this was productive of much vexation to the growers of wool in those districts, he wished to place them exactly on a level with persons in other parts of the kingdom, leaving the laws against the exportation of wool in full force—and, for that purpose, he would move for the repeal of so much of the said Act as inflicted the penalties he had mentioned.

The Resolution was agreed to.

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