HC Deb 20 May 1814 vol 27 cc989-90

Mr. Sheriff Magnay appeared at the bar with a Petition from the lord mayor and corporation of London, praying that no alteration might be made in the Corn Laws during this session.

The Speaker

thought it his duty to notice, that this Petition was presented by only one of the sheriffs. He had no doubt that a satisfactory reason could be assigned to the House for the non-attendance of the either, as the form required.

Sir J. Shaw

stated, that the other sheriff was indisposed.

The Speaker

said, that this was, of course, a perfectly satisfactory reason for his absence.

The Petition was brought up, and read; setting forth, "That the petitioners have attentively, considered the proceedings now pending in the House, for regulating the importation of corn into the United Kingdom; and that the alterations proposed to be made in the laws for regulating the importation of corn appear to the petitioners to be matter of the most serious importance; and it would be highly desirable that no material alteration should take place therein until a more ample trial has been had of their effect, under existing circumstances; and praying, that the consideration of the proceedings for regulating the importation of corn may be adjourned to the next session; whereby a more accurate judgment and opinion can be formed than at this time, and the fullest opportunity would be thereby afforded for the due consideration of a question of such magnitude."

Ordered to lie upon the table.