HC Deb 04 May 1814 vol 27 cc649-50
Mr. Wynn

wished to draw the attention of the right hon. gentleman to an omission which he considered as remarkable, in the convention between this country and France. In the article relating to the exchange of prisoners, it had been usual to stipulate, that the exchange should take place upon the said prisoners paying whatever debts they might have contracted. It was so stipulated in the Preliminary Treaty of 1801. In the present Convention, however, this had been omitted; and the omission he knew had caused considerable uneasiness in several parts of the country where the prisoners resided; as more than ordinary credit had been granted to them, relying upon such a stipulation in the event of a peace. He thought the omission could not have occurred without some reason; and to remove the apprehensions that existed, some explanation, of it was desirable.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

said, he was not prepared to give any precise explanation upon the subject, as it was one that would be for the consideration of the respective governments.