HC Deb 26 February 1813 vol 24 cc841-2

Soon after the Speaker took the Chair, a great pressure took place at the doors of the Strangers' Gallery, by persons endeavouring to force their way in, although at the time the gallery was filled to an excess, two or three persons were forcing their way into seats, vi et armis, and a great resistance and noise ensued, upon which the Speaker directed the Serjeant at Arms immediately to take the rioters into custody; and an hon. member pointing to a person standing about the centre of the gallery, said he had observed that person most active in making the disturbance and forcing his way.

Another hon. member (Mr. Robert Thornton) said, the person alluded to, as he observed, was making his way out, but that he perceived another person (pointing him out) strike that person with great violence. The Speaker observed, that the House would not descend to discriminate individuals, but, if the disturbance continued, he hoped some hon. member would not hesitate to assert the dignity of the House by moving the Standing Order, that the gallery should be cleared of strangers, and then directed the Serjeant at Arms to take the rioter into custody and bring him before the House.

The disturbance immediately ceased, and order was restored.