HC Deb 03 December 1813 vol 27 cc236-8

Mr. Lushington reported from the Committee of the whole House, to whom it was referred to consider further of the Supply granted to his Majesty, the Resolutions which they had directed him to report to the House; and the same were read, and agreed to by the House, and are as follow:

  1. 1. That a sum, not exceeding 10,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of five troops of dragoons, and thirteen companies of foot, stationed in Great Britain, for the purpose of recruiting the corps employed in the territorial possessions of the East India Company, for the year 1814.
  2. 2. That a sum, not exceeding 2,800,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of the embodied militia of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the royal corps of miners of Devon and Cornwall, for the year 1814.
  3. 3. That a sum, not exceeding 500,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of general and staff officers, and officers of the hospitals, serving with his Majesty's forces at home and abroad, and the charge of his Majesty's garrisons, for the year 1814.
  4. 4. That a sum not exceeding 20,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of full pay for supernumerary officers of his Majesty's forces for the year 1814.
  5. 5. That a sum, not exceeding 200,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of the allowances to the principal officers of several public departments in Great Britain and Ireland, their deputies, clerks, and contingent expences, and of the amount of Exchequer fees to be paid by the paymaster-general, for the year 1814.
  6. 6. That a sum, not exceeding 140,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of half-pay to reduced officers of his Majesty's land forces, including the reduced officer of 237 his Majesty's British American forces, and of the Scotch brigade late in the service of the States General, for the year 1814.
  7. 7. That a sum, not exceeding 10,000l., be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of military allowances to reduced officers of his Majesty's land forces, including his Majesty's British American forces, for 1814.
  8. 8. That a sum, not exceeding 300,000l., he granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of the in and out pensioners of Chelsea and Kilmainham hospitals, and of the internal expences of the said hospitals, for the year 1814.
  9. 9. That a sum, not exceeding 30,000l., be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of pensions to be paid to widows of officers of the land forces and marines, for the year 1814.
  10. 10. That a sum, not exceeding 155,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of volunteer corps of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the year 1814.
  11. 11. That a sum, not exceeding 400,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of the local militia force to be maintained in Great Britain, for the year 1814.
  12. 12. That a sum, not exceeding 1,000,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of Foreign corps in the service of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the year 1814.
  13. 13. That a sum, not exceeding 10,000l., be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of the Royal Military College, for the year 1814.
  14. 14. That a sum, not exceeding 15,000l., be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of the Royal Military Asylum at Chelsea, for the year 1814.
  15. 15. That a sum, not exceeding 10,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of allowances to retired chaplains, and of allowances to clergymen officiating with his Majesty's forces at home and abroad, including the expences of the office of the chaplain general, and other, contingencies, for the year 1814.
  16. 16. That a sum, not exceeding 100,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of medicines and surgical materials, for, his Majesty's land forces, and of other hospital continues for the year 1814.
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  18. 17. That a sum, not exceeding 30,000l., be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of allowances on the compassionate list to children of deceased officers of the land forces, and to widows of officers of the said forces not entitled to the pension, including the allowance, as of his Majesty's royal bounty to several officers, and to the relatives of certain deceased officers, for the year 1814.
  19. 18. That a sum, not exceeding 110,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the expence of the commissariat department in Ireland, including the charge of forage for the cavalry in that part of the United Kingdom, for the year 1814.
  20. 19. That a sum, not exceeding 10,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of allowances, compensations, and emoluments, in the nature of superannuation or retired allowances, to persons belonging to several public departments in Great Britain and Ireland, in respect of their having held any public offices or employments of a civil nature, for the year 1814.
  21. 20. That a sum, not exceeding 150,000l. be granted to his Majesty, upon account, towards defraying the expence of the barrack department in Ireland, for the year 1814.
  22. 21. That a sum, not exceeding 3,000,000l. be granted to his Majesty, on account, towards defraying the extraordinary services of the army of Great Britain and Ireland, for the year 1814.

The several Resolutions were agreed to, the chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again.