Mr. Ponsonbyobserved, that the right hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer had declared to the House that he should, in the course of this week, be able to lay upon the table some information respecting the renewal of the Charter of the East India Company. This was the last day of the week, and as he had not yet fulfilled his pledge, he was desirous of knowing whether it was the right hon. gentleman's intention to persevere in bringing the matter forward during the present session?
The Chancellor of the Exchequeranswered that since he had last addressed the House upon the subject, some difference of opinion had arisen between the directors of the East India Company and government, which rendered it much more unlikely, that the matter would be brought under discussion this session, than be had had reason to believe would have been the case. A court of proprietors was to be held that day, respecting the difference to which 1152 he alluded, the decision of which he should be able to lay before the House by Monday. He was led to apprehend, however, from some conversations he had held with gentlemen interested in the matter, that the question respecting the renewal of the Charier of the East India Company, could not be brought to a successful issue during the present session.