HC Deb 20 March 1812 vol 22 cc100-1
The Chancellor of the Exchequer

presented the following Message from the Prince Regent: George P. R. His royal highness the Prince Re-gent, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, thinks it necessary to ac-quaint the House of Commons, that in pursuance of the powers vested in his Majesty, by two acts passed in the 18th and 30th years of his present Majesty's reign, his Majesty was graciously pleased, by letters patent, bearing date the 2d of February 1802, to grant to their royal highnesses the princesses Augusta-Sophia, Elizabeth, Mary, Sophia, and Amelia, an annuity of 30,000l. agreeably to the provisions and subject to the limitations of the said acts, which grant was to take effect from the demise of his Majesty; and his Royal Highness being desirous, in the present situation of the royal family, to be empowered to provide for the establishment of their royal highnesses the Princesses, by an immediate grant, re-commends to the House of Commons, to take the subject into their consideration, and to enable his Royal Highness to make such provision for their royal high-nesses the Princesses, as in the liberality of parliament may be thought suitable to the actual situation of the Princesses, and to the circumstances of the present time. G. P. R.

Ordered to be taken into consideration on Monday.