HC Deb 08 January 1812 vol 21 cc49-52
Mr. Secretary Ryder

presented, by command of the Prince Regent, the following Declarations:

DECLARATION of the Members of her Majesty's Council; respecting the state of his Majesty's health:—Dated Oct. 5th, 1811.

Windsor, Oct. 5th, 1811.

"We the underwritten, members of the council appointed to assist her Majesty in the execution of the trusts committed to her Majesty, by virtue of the statute passed in the 51st year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, 'An act to provide for the administration of the royal authority, and for the care of his Majesty's royal person, during the continuance of his Majesty's illness, and for the resumption of the exercise of the royal authority by his Majesty;' Having duly met together, this 5th day of October 1811, at the Queen's Lodge near to Windsor Castle; and having called before us, and examined upon oath the physicians, and other persons attendant upon his Majesty, and having ascertained the state of his Majesty's health by all such other ways and means, as appeared to us to be necessary for that purpose,—Do hereby declare and certify, that the state of his Majesty's health, at the time of this our meeting, is not such, as to enable his Majesty to resume the personal exercise of his royal authority.

"That his Majesty's bodily health does not appear to us to be essentially altered since the date of our last report.

"That his Majesty's mental health appears to us to be materially worse than it was at the time of our last report: Upon the grounds of the protraction of the disorder, the present state of it, the duration of accessions of the disorder, and the peculiar character which the disorder now assumes, his Majesty's recovery is represented as improbable by one of the physicians, and as very improbable by all the other physicians in attendance upon his Majesty.

"Adverting on the other hand to the state of his Majesty's faculties and powers of mind, his memory and perception, the remaining vigour of his constitution, and bodily health, some of the medical persons in attendance represent that they do not despair, and others that they do not entirely despair of his Majesty's recovery.

(Signed) C. CANTUAK.'

DECLARATION of the Members of her Majesty's Council; respecting the state of his Majesty's health:—Dated 4th and 5th January, 1812.

"We the underwritten, members of the council appointed to assist her Majesty in the execution of the trusts committed to her Majesty, by virtue of the statute passed in the 51st year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, 'An act to provide for the administration of the royal authority, and for the care of his Majesty's royal person, during the continuance of his Majesty's illness, and for the resumption of the exercise of the royal authority by his Majesty; Having duly met together, on this 4th day of January 1812, at the Queen's lodge near to Windsor Castle; and having called before us, and examined upon oath the physicians, and other persons attendant upon his Majesty, and having ascertained the state of his Majesty's health by all such ways and means, as appeared to us to be necessary for that purpose,—Do hereby declare and certify, That the state of his Majesty's health, at the time of this our meeting, is not such, as to enable his Majesty to resume the personal exercise of his royal authority.

"That his Majesty's bodily health appears to us to be as good as at any of the periods of our former reports.

"That his Majesty's mental health appears to us not to be worse than at the period of our last report.

"That all the physicians attending his Majesty agree in stating, that they think his Majesty's complete and final recovery improbable; differing however as to the degree of such improbability; some of them expressing themselves as not despairing, others as not entirely despairing; and one of them representing, that he cannot help despairing of such recovery.

(Signed) C. CANTUAR'.

"Shortly after the above report had been read in the presence of, all the physicians, and one of the members of the council had left Windsor, the physician alluded to, in the last clause of the report, stated in writing to the other members of the council then remaining at Windsor, 'That he had unguardedly made use of an 'expression, which he was apprehensive 'might carry a meaning far beyond what 'he intended to express; and requested to 'be allowed to correct it; and assured the 'council, that whilst be thought the final 'recovery of his Majesty very 'improbable, he by no means despaired of it.'

"The members of the council to whom the above statement was made (having sworn the physician alluded to, to the truth there of) afterwards communicated the same to the whole council, assembled this 5th day of January; who have deemed it right to subjoin this fact to the above declaration.

(Signed) C. CANTUAR'.
St. James's Square. WINCHILSEA.
Jan. 5th, 1812. AYLESFORD.