HC Deb 11 December 1812 vol 24 c278

Mr. Lushington appearing at the bar to present a Report,

Mr. Whitbread

conceiving the Report about to be presented to be that of the Gold Coin Bill, thought proper, before it was presented, to submit a motion to the House. Having failed to make the right hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer ashamed of the third Resolution inserted on the Journals in May last, declaring" That the promissory notes of the said company have hitherto been, and are at this time, held in public estimation to be equivalent to the legal coin of the realm, and generally accepted as such in all pecuniary transactions to which such coin is lawfully applicable," he thought it necessary, for the sake of truth and the character of the House, to propose that the resolution should be rescinded, which proposition he would submit without any debate.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer said,

that as the hon. member expressed his intention to propose the rescinding of the Resolution alluded to, without any debate, he should, without any debate, support it. But at the same time he was ready, upon any day that might be appointed, to enter fully into any discussion upon this Resolution, and to justify its terms and character.

Mr. Whitbread

declaring his desire to take the sense of the House upon this motion,

The House accordingly divided: For the motion 26: Against it 63: Majority 37.

List of the Minority.
Abercromby, Hon. J. Gurney, Hudson
Bankes, H. Grant, J. P.
Bennet, Hon. H G. Gordon, R.
Creevey, T. Hamilton, Lord A.
Calvert, C. Horne, W.
Canning, G. Huskisson, W.
Fitzroy, Lord J. Lubbock, J.
Foster, F. Mildmay Sir H.