HC Deb 01 December 1812 vol 24 c114

The Speaker acquainted the House, that he had received from rear-admiral the hon. Robert Stopford the following Letter, in return to the Thanks of this House, signified to him by the Speaker, in obedience to their commands of the 10th of January last;

"Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, 28thAugust, 1812.

"Sir; On the 24th of August I had the honour to receive your letter of last January, communicating the unanimous Vote of Thanks of the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for my cordial cooperation with the army acting under the command of lieutenant general sir Samuel Auchmuty, in the late operations on the Island of Java. I beg leave to express to you, Sir, the high value I place upon this distinguished mark of approbation of my conduct upon that occasion; and I shall take the earliest op portunity of communicating the unanimous Vote of Thanks of the Commons of the United Kingdom to commodore Broughton, the captains, officers, seamen, and marines, employed with me upon the reduction of Java. I have the honour to be, Sir, &c.

ROBERT STOPFORD, Rear-admiral.

"Charles Abbot, esq. Speaker of the House of Commons, &c."