§ A Petition of the subscribers, merchants, and manufacturers in Glasgow, was presented and read; setting forth,
§ "That the petitioners having been informed that certain merchants and manufacturers of the city of Glasgow have represented to the House, that the trade and manufactures of the nation, and particularly of that part of the United Kingdom, have been greatly injured by the operation of his Majesty's Orders in Council of the 26th of April, 1809, the petitioners think it due to themselves humbly to state to the House that, in their opinion, the Orders in 1119 Council have not limited or restricted the trade and manufactures of this nation, or of that part of the United Kingdom, excepting in so far as they may have been the means of producing those measures on the part of the American government which have led to the interruption of a direct intercourse with that country; that, viewed as a measure of hostility and retaliation against the enemy, they have been eminently successful, since they have injured his revenue, entirely destroyed his commerce, and deprived him of the means of disposing of the productions of France and Holland; that, under the persuasion of the truth and justness of these opinions, the petitioners humbly apprehend it would be unwise to sacrifice, to the wishes of a small proportion of the trading part of the community, to the threats of any power whatever, or to an object comparatively of small importance, a system of acting, which has already produced consequences so disastrous to the enemy; and praying, that no steps may be taken to advise the relinquishing of measures and principles essential to the vigorous prosecution of the war."
§ Ordered to lie upon the table.