HC Deb 21 April 1812 vol 22 c705

Three Petitions of noblemen and gentlemen, connected by birth or property with Ireland, and professing the Protestant religion, were presented and read; setting forth,

"That the subscribers thereunto do most humbly petition the House in favour of their brethren and fellow subjects the persons professing the Roman Catholic religion; they apply to parliament to be admitted to the privileges and franchises of the constitution; and the petitioners, their Protestant brethren, do consider such application to be just, and do most heartily join the Catholics in this their loyal and reasonable request; and that, convinced of its policy, as well as of its justice, they do most zealously implore the House to comply with the prayer of the said Petition, and to relieve the persons professing the Roman Catholic Religion from all civil and political disabilities."

Ordered to lie upon the table.