§ On the motion that the report of this Bill be brought up,
§ Lord A Hamiltonexpressed his surprise that the motion should be made at so late an hour, when the discussion was likely to occupy so much time. He, as well as 452 several other hon. members, had a clause to propose.
§ Mr. Parnellcomplained, that he had not yet had an opportunity of fully expressing his opinion on the measure.
The Chancellor of the Exchequerobserved, that the hon gentleman's memory appeared to be much weaker than those of other hon. members. He, recollected, that the hon. gentleman had, on a former night, honoured the House with a very excelent, but not a very short argument on the Bill.
§ Mr. Parnellsaid, the speech alluded to, bore on the measure only as it related to Ireland.
Lord Folkestonethought, as the Bill was introduced to re-enact a law which had expired three weeks ago, and as no evil, that he had heard of, had arisen from its cessation, the delay of a few days could produce no inconvenience.
§ Sir J. Newporturged, as a principal reason for postponing the report, that if brought up now, it would certainly create a debate, and probably a very long one, which, at so late an hour, would be highly improper. He should therefore, move, "That the House do now adjourn."
§ On this a new discussion arose, after which a division took place, when the numbers were,
For the Adjournment | 35 |
Against it | 101 |
Majority | 66 |
§ Sir J Newport, however, expressing his determination to reiterate the question of adjournment, the reception of the report was postponed to Monday, and the House adjourned.