HC Deb 24 May 1811 vol 20 c305
Lord John Thynne

reported to the House, that their Address of Tuesday last, humbly to beseech his royal highness the Prince Regent to advance to John Palmer, esq. the sum of 54,702l. 0s. 7d. being the balance due to him on the net revenue of the Post Office, from the 5th day of April 1793 to the 5th day of January 1303, and to assure his royal highness that this House will make good the same, had been presented to his royal highness; and that his royal highness was pleased to give this most gracious Answer: George P. R. It must at all times be my most earnest desire to attend to the wishes of the House of Commons, and I shall be ready to give effect to them in this instance whenever the means shall have been provided by parliament. Carlton House, 24th May 1811.